WissensFragen Serie Gesichertes Wissen neu erzählen – Die Kombinatorik der Wunder in Gervasius’ von Tilbury Otia imperialia (1214) Tilo Renz / 14.08.2024 Wie erzählt man dem Kaiser etwas Erstaunliches, ohne zu lügen? weiterlesen
WissensGeschichten The Carraccis’ Reflection of Blue. Carte Azzurre in Annibale and Agostino’s Drawings and their Criticism of Vasari’s Doctrine Iris Brahms / 22.03.2024 Blue paper was perceived as a typically Venetian medium. Iris Brahms uses drawings by the Carracci brothers to show the epistemic dimensions underlying the so-called carta azzurra and how it became an argument against Vasari's doctrine. weiterlesen